Monday, May 11, 2009

dumps like a truck

8:45am red line -

girl gets off at chicago and state

man with lazy eye turns to the guy behind him and says: "nice ass, huh"

the guy nods in agreement.

the guy with the unemployed eye then proceeds to gawk at me with his good eye.


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

8:30am red line:

two overly tan broads and two meatheads in cubs jerseys - all drinking bottles of miller light.

if they knew any better, they would know that bud light is the official cubs beer...the urine flavor is tastier and less filling.

Monday, May 4, 2009

dang, i didn't know i was that repulsive...

shout out to the dude sitting next to me on the green line - thanks for barfing everywhere.

i couldn't tell if it was too much bacardi or swine flu, but i'm gonna go douse myself in bleach.

Friday, May 1, 2009

just when i think i won't have anything funny or outrageous to post...

as i headed down the stairs from state and lake this morning, i saw a balled up black cloth on the i got closer, i realized it was a thong just hanging out on the steps, looking dirty and used....probably like its former owner.

sounds like the ultimate walk of shame - the shame train express. toot toot.